keithj5000: Morning, frog.
keithj5000: Mr Toad is sick of your sh#t
keithj5000: Portrait of an American Toad
keithj5000: Toads are the new fungus
keithj5000: Ribbit, you bastard!
keithj5000: Another one
keithj5000: I got toads, they're multiplyin'...
keithj5000: Frogs are more difficult than toads.
keithj5000: Another toad
keithj5000: "globesity"
keithj5000: Aim high, little dude.
keithj5000: It's all fire and brimstone baby, so let's go outside
keithj5000: Time to take her home
keithj5000: I know someday you'll have a beautiful life
keithj5000: What the hell am I doing here?
keithj5000: Bad things never happen to the beautiful
keithj5000: Toad all ways
keithj5000: Don't you call me pudgy, portly or stout
keithj5000: Come down and waste away with me
keithj5000: There's someone back in the shadows
keithj5000: Up on my soapbox, a leader out to change the world
keithj5000: Eyes betray the soul and bare its thinking
keithj5000: Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit.
keithj5000: Don't walk away in silence.
keithj5000: Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye
keithj5000: Let me lay my holy hand upon you
keithj5000: I've got some advice for you, little buddy
keithj5000: Don't Over Do It