Keithius: speaker setup at Nightmare Nights
Keithius: some of the equalizer equipment at Nightmare Nights
Keithius: mixing board at Nightmare Nights
Keithius: Octavia & Vinyl Scratch (DJ-PON3) plushies at Nightmare Nights
Keithius: PostItPony - Fluffle Puff
Keithius: Pixelkitties' Twilight Sparkle (and Spike!) cardboard cutout
Keithius: people dancing at the EQuestria Nightmare Nights concert (Friday Night)
Keithius: people dancing at the EQuestria NMN concert (purple lights)
Keithius: spike cosplay
Keithius: M.A. Larson & Foalpapers
Keithius: natasha levinger
Keithius: tabitha st. germain laughing
Keithius: Sherry Bourlom of WhiteDove Creations
Keithius: M.A. Larson spots the camera
Keithius: Fausticorn plushie
Keithius: Sunset Shimmer plushie
Keithius: Luna plushie
Keithius: Upper balcony area during Nightmare Nights (Saturday)
Keithius: DJ-Mixing equipment
Keithius: Nightmare moon, King Sombra, and Discord cosplayers
Keithius: PostItPony's Fluffle Puff and the Mirror Pool
Keithius: At the EQuestria Nightmare Nights concert (Saturday night)
Keithius: spike plushie
Keithius: dusty kat's daring do cosplay