Keithius: yellow and red flowers
Keithius: witch in the greenhouse
Keithius: witch and crowd in the greenhouse
Keithius: white and purple orchid
Keithius: white and purple flower
Keithius: waterfall in the greenhouse
Keithius: waterfall at the chinese gardens
Keithius: water and bones
Keithius: tropical plants in the greenhouse
Keithius: tropical greenhouse
Keithius: trident maple tree (30 years old) sign
Keithius: trident maple tree (30 years old)
Keithius: trident maple (40 years old) sign
Keithius: trident maple (40 years old)
Keithius: the witch in the greenhouse
Keithius: the path to the chinese gardens at the montreal botanic gardens
Keithius: the olympic stadium in montreal
Keithius: the japanese garden sign
Keithius: the japanese garden
Keithius: the chinese gardens (closeup of tower)
Keithius: the chinese gardens
Keithius: stone lion
Keithius: stone lantern
Keithius: skeleton diving
Keithius: rock mountain and tower in the chinese gardens
Keithius: robert heads through a doorway
Keithius: robert and the red flowers at the botanic gardens in montreal
Keithius: robert and janette at the montreal botanic gardens
Keithius: red flower in the tropical greenhouse
Keithius: red dragon lantern (front)