KeithBurtis: Tomas Vokoun - Florida Panthers
KeithBurtis: Doug Allen - Anthem - Signature Finish
KeithBurtis: Tomas Vokoun - Florida Panthers
KeithBurtis: Sabres Flag Carried by Fans
KeithBurtis: Sabres Flag Carried by Fans
KeithBurtis: Jhonas Enroth - Sabres
KeithBurtis: Sabres Panthers - Opening face-off
KeithBurtis: Brad Boyes - Using his head for the faceoff
KeithBurtis: Tomas Vanek & Timmy Connelly
KeithBurtis: Sabretooth
KeithBurtis: Miller coming WAY out to cut off the angle.
KeithBurtis: Vanek JUST missed this tip-in!
KeithBurtis: Scrum 3 - Vokoun looks bored
KeithBurtis: Scrum2
KeithBurtis: Scrum
KeithBurtis: Scrum - Ah! There's the culprit - Nathan Gerbe!