Freak 107: John and Carols cake
Freak 107: John and Carols cake 2
Freak 107: Flowers on piano (Linda and Bruce)
Freak 107: Flowers and cake (Linda and Bruce)
Freak 107: 3 princesses
Freak 107: The Boys .1
Freak 107: Brothers and Sisters
Freak 107: Ceremony (John and Carol)
Freak 107: Ceremony 2 (John and Carol)
Freak 107: Signing (Linda and Bruce)
Freak 107: The Kiss (Linda and Bruce)
Freak 107: Sisters Kiss (Linda and Bruce)
Freak 107: Man behind the scenes (Linda and Bruce)
Freak 107: Linda and Bruce's Wedding
Freak 107: Linda and Bruce's Wedding
Freak 107: Harley ring