keikota: PICT0095
keikota: Do not disturb...I'm gonna sleep soon...
keikota: zzz...
keikota: PICT0175
keikota: PICT0177
keikota: PICT0201
keikota: PICT0202
keikota: PICT0203
keikota: A giant cat
keikota: dogs
keikota: Cat in dry cleaner
keikota: Lazy cat on sticky humid day
keikota: R0010476
keikota: Based on my investigation, 95% of dogs in Bhutan are sleeping in daytime. : ブータンで見かけた犬のうち95%が寝ていた。
keikota: There were less cats than dogs in Bhutan; ブータンでは犬はそこら中にいるけど猫は少ない
keikota: Sleeping dog again; またまた寝てる犬
keikota: Do not disturb...
keikota: A sleepy dog on the way to Taktshang Monastery (all dogs in Bhutan looked sleepy or sleeping); タクツァン僧院に向かう途中の眠そうな犬
keikota: Boys meet girl 1
keikota: Boys meet girl 2
keikota: A cat in small village in Laos