keikota: Bus from HK to Chaozhou
keikota: dinner at Chaozhou 9/19/2007
keikota: dinner at Chaozhou 9/19/2007
keikota: Bus from Chaozhou to FengHuang
keikota: Chaozhou bus terminal
keikota: Fenghuang bus stop
keikota: FengHuang village
keikota: FengHuang village
keikota: at tea farmer's place
keikota: at tea farmer's place
keikota: at tea farmer's place
keikota: at tea farmer's place
keikota: at tea farmer's place
keikota: at tea farmer's place (Tofu pudding)
keikota: at tea farmer's place (equipment)
keikota: at tea farmer's place (equipment)
keikota: at tea farmer's place (equipment)
keikota: at tea farmer's place (equipment)
keikota: at tea farmer's place (living room)
keikota: at tea farmer's place (living room)
keikota: street in Wudong mountain area
keikota: "FengHuang dan cong" tea's origin
keikota: "FengHuang dan cong" tea's origin
keikota: "FengHuang dan cong" tea's origin
keikota: tea trees
keikota: "FengHuang dan cong" tea's origin
keikota: View from Wudong mountain
keikota: View from Wudong mountain
keikota: wild tea trees
keikota: Wudong mountain