Franc Le Blanc .: Hindu ceremony on Kuta beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Going to a cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Going to the cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: To the cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Rest for the gamelan players .
Franc Le Blanc .: Remaining part after the cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony in Desa Ubud .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony .Ritual bull .
Franc Le Blanc .: To the cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Coffee before the cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremationceremony on Kuta beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation on the beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Portrait of a young boy .
Franc Le Blanc .: Offerings for the cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation on Kuta beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Special table for offerings .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony on Kuta beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Children ; cremation ceremony on Kuta beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Lunch for the guests : cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony on Kuta beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Offerings for the dead man .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony on the beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony on Kuta beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony on Bali .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony on Kuta beach .
Franc Le Blanc .: Cremation ceremony on Kuta beach .