hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Hannomagwerkzeugsatz
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Div Schraubenschlüssel
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Innensechskantschlüssel
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: 10´PECK STOW & WILCOX CO
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Diamond 12 Inch Adjustable Wrench
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: 8 Inch J.P. Danielson Co. Inc
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Cromna Patent 13-19mm
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: 12mm Schlagbuchstaben vom Flohmarkt
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Selbstspannender Schraubenschlüssel
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Schraubenschlüssel in groß
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Schraubstock und Presse
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Freilaufknarre mit Ringeinsatz
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Unter Tage Werkstadt
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Hakenschlüssel als Schloss
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: ZEREM Rollgabelschlüssel
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Mein Werkzeugwagen und zwei Schraubstöcke
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Deutz Fahr Werkzeugwagen
hmboo Electrician and Adventurer: Gabel-Ringratschenschlüssel gerade