keeper of the keys: And she sat and thought...
keeper of the keys: Everyday objects
keeper of the keys: If I ran the world, he told me, I'd pretty much leave it alone & spend my time reading & I'd advise other people to do the same. Which is why I'll probably never run the world, he said
keeper of the keys: When twilight drops her curtain down and pins it with a star, remember that you have a friend though she may wander far
keeper of the keys: A Nephew in Black and White
keeper of the keys: Life through a diffraction grating
keeper of the keys: turn me on
keeper of the keys: Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.
keeper of the keys: The butterfly
keeper of the keys: Retribution
keeper of the keys: Spherometer
keeper of the keys: Rainbows......
keeper of the keys: Music on my fingertips
keeper of the keys: On top of (my?) world...
keeper of the keys: When Dobby met Lyra