EricJonEvans: 5 of the 6 Blue Angels in formation
EricJonEvans: Blue Angels fly-by
EricJonEvans: 4 of the 6 Blue Angels in close formation
EricJonEvans: 4 of the 6 Blue Angels in close formation
EricJonEvans: Blue Angel zooms past the sun—camera sensors love that
EricJonEvans: Blue Angels close formation with some scope
EricJonEvans: Blue Angel, uncropped—they flew close enough to the ground to get this detail without cheating
EricJonEvans: 5 of the 6 Blue Angels in formation
EricJonEvans: Chika, delighted
EricJonEvans: "Fat ALbert", the C-130 transport for the Blue Angels
EricJonEvans: Fighters of years past fly-by
EricJonEvans: F-16 disappears behind trees
EricJonEvans: Glider
EricJonEvans: Chika astonished
EricJonEvans: Corkscrew
EricJonEvans: Look at the noses on these guys