EricJonEvans: Wildflowering
EricJonEvans: Wallhike
EricJonEvans: chikawall
EricJonEvans: Burst of color
EricJonEvans: red swirling rock
EricJonEvans: Pro hiker?
EricJonEvans: Wallflower
EricJonEvans: Canyonista!
EricJonEvans: Look for the tiny person
EricJonEvans: Hungry Chika tries to bite the lens
EricJonEvans: lunch at the junction
EricJonEvans: Unexpected photo steal!
EricJonEvans: lunch overlook
EricJonEvans: vicious goblin cubby
EricJonEvans: Right before he charged
EricJonEvans: Deer here?
EricJonEvans: chikapeek
EricJonEvans: Yada yada
EricJonEvans: chika examines the strata
EricJonEvans: wall stripe patterns
EricJonEvans: Chika vs. Nature
EricJonEvans: Chika's assessment of the return hike