Keep Clicking: wiil become solid as a rock...
Keep Clicking: ...your seeds will germinate...
Keep Clicking: ...if you learn the way, you must teach!...
Keep Clicking: ... you can reconnect...
Keep Clicking: ... and the stars...
Keep Clicking: can reach the sky...
Keep Clicking: ...but you will see the light...
Keep Clicking: ...there will be pain...
Keep Clicking: another...
Keep Clicking: ...we will have to choose from a way...
Keep Clicking: can be a very hard journey...
Keep Clicking: good company
Keep Clicking: ... but only with an open heart...
Keep Clicking: We Walk...
Keep Clicking: ...and we pray for it.
Keep Clicking: ...our intelligence can lead us to a good way...
Keep Clicking: ...we came in many forms...
Keep Clicking: We came from the sun...
Keep Clicking: delicate landing