KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: Drippy Bone Books!!
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: NEW SHIT from Drippy Bone Books
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: new collage mario zoots
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: new collage owleyes
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: new collage carmen burguess
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: new collage christopher ilth
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: new collage kristy foom
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: the ALCHEMY of appropriation the SCIENCE of visual theft and the NEW COLLAGE
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: the ALCHEMY of appropriation the SCIENCE of visual theft and the NEW COLLAGE-05-16 at 16.40 #4
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: Photo on the ALCHEMY of appropriation the SCIENCE of visual theft and the NEW COLLAGE2011-05-16 at 16.40 #5
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: Welcome Fever, It's Me- The Magic!
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: Grawlix back cover
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: listen to the silence
KeenanMarshallKeller-presents: sharkicons of my love