Keele_Photography: Infrared Utah Lake looking South
Keele_Photography: A tree growing from rocks
Keele_Photography: Infrared Panorama of the Wasatch Front
Keele_Photography: Pipeline across the lake
Keele_Photography: Stranded Ship
Keele_Photography: Small World Residential Infrared
Keele_Photography: An old field out back infrared
Keele_Photography: Toward California
Keele_Photography: Pathway to the sea
Keele_Photography: Mark Twain's river boat ride
Keele_Photography: Walt and Mickey
Keele_Photography: Sleeping Beauty's Castle
Keele_Photography: Splash Mountain
Keele_Photography: On the jungle Cruise
Keele_Photography: Following the Palms
Keele_Photography: 3...2...1... GO!
Keele_Photography: A Princess castle
Keele_Photography: Reflection and repose
Keele_Photography: Traveling to the moon
Keele_Photography: St George Infrared
Keele_Photography: Late Bloomer
Keele_Photography: Bicenntenial Infrared
Keele_Photography: Infrared at 30,000 Feet
Keele_Photography: Universal Studios
Keele_Photography: Infrared Cactus Tree
Keele_Photography: Looking Up in Infrared
Keele_Photography: High above the rockies
Keele_Photography: Another Planet
Keele_Photography: Infrared River