Keele_Photography: #328 You are the Minority
Keele_Photography: #327 When are these beer googles supposedly to start morking?
Keele_Photography: #326 Burning the Midnight oil
Keele_Photography: #322 1st New years resolution: Become Unstuck
Keele_Photography: #321 Halfway to nowhere
Keele_Photography: #316 Game towards the light
Keele_Photography: #315 Christmas Morning
Keele_Photography: #312 I triple dog dare you
Keele_Photography: #310 Christmas Card
Keele_Photography: #305 Glass is always better
Keele_Photography: #303 Early morning snow
Keele_Photography: #302 Finger Printed
Keele_Photography: #299 Camera Man
Keele_Photography: #292 Self Deception
Keele_Photography: #291 Suit UP!!!
Keele_Photography: #288 There's no wrong way
Keele_Photography: #287 Orange you glad to see me?
Keele_Photography: #281 Hanging out to dry
Keele_Photography: #280 Sick during the winter
Keele_Photography: #274 And to think they were attached to the wall
Keele_Photography: #269 Holding on for dear life
Keele_Photography: #268 A punch in the face
Keele_Photography: #265 Pushing the Limit
Keele_Photography: #264 I feel loopy sometimes
Keele_Photography: #271 I can wait till morning comes
Keele_Photography: #261 We want our DP
Keele_Photography: #258 Pepper Pots and Tony Stark
Keele_Photography: #254 New Haircut
Keele_Photography: #252 Unbalanced