ke1th: Wildfowl on the spit at the layby
ke1th: Looking towards Village Bay from the Spit. Fairburn Ings.
ke1th: Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
ke1th: Pick up Pool in 2006, Fairburn Ings.
ke1th: Pond dipping platform, Fairburn Ings.
ke1th: Fen meadow, Fairburn Ings.
ke1th: Interpretation board,
ke1th: The back of the Moat area
ke1th: Closer view of the cormorant roost
ke1th: Looking across the Moat Area towards Castleford
ke1th: Mealy Redpoll - Carduelis flammea
ke1th: Eupeodes latifasciatus (f)
ke1th: Spaerophoria scripta (m)
ke1th: Helophilus pendulus (f)
ke1th: Robin - Erithacus rubecula
ke1th: Chaffinch -Fringilla coelebs
ke1th: Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopus major (male)
ke1th: Great spotted woodpecker- Dendrocopus major (male)
ke1th: Great spotted woodpecker- Dendrocopus major (male)
ke1th: Reed bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus (male)
ke1th: Tree sparow - Passer montanus
ke1th: Reed bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus (Male)
ke1th: Bittersweet - Solanum dulcamara
ke1th: Myathropa florea (m)
ke1th: Azure damselfly - Coenagrion puella (f)
ke1th: Azure damselfly - Coenagrion puella (f)
ke1th: Great tit - Parus major - juvenile
ke1th: Common darter - Sympetrum striolatum pair
ke1th: Common darter - Sympetrum striolatum m
ke1th: Canada geese - Branta canadensis