ke1th: The small area of grassland at Hetchell Wood
ke1th: Lesser celandine - Ficaria verna
ke1th: Wood anemone - Anemone nemorosa
ke1th: Wood anemone - Anemone nemorosa
ke1th: Coppicing at Hetchell Woods in 2016
ke1th: Gatekeeper - Pyronia tithonus
ke1th: Common Carder Bee - Boimbus pascuorum
ke1th: Orange tip - Anthocharis cardamines (f)
ke1th: Ashy mining bee - Andrena cineraria
ke1th: Dark-edged bee fly - Bombaylius major
ke1th: Lesser Celandine - Ficaria verna
ke1th: Marsh Marigold - Calthus palustris
ke1th: Common buzzard - Buteo buteo
ke1th: Meadow grasshopper - Chorthippus parallelus (f)
ke1th: Dark green Fritillary - Argynnis aglaja
ke1th: Thistle Broomrape - Orobanche reticulata
ke1th: Cowslip - Primula veris
ke1th: Bramble Leaf Miner Moth - Stigmella aurella - larval tunnel
ke1th: Pompocali
ke1th: Pompocali
ke1th: View from Hetchell Wood towards Wyke
ke1th: Ashy Mining Bee - Ardrena cineria
ke1th: Green Tiger Beetle - Cincindela campestris
ke1th: Gorse - Ulex europaeus
ke1th: Red Mason Bee - Osmia bicornis
ke1th: Early Purple Orchid - Orchis mascula
ke1th: Common Primrose - Primula vulgaris
ke1th: Wood Anemone - Anemone nemorosa