ke1th: Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
ke1th: The canal by the swing bridge at Rodley
ke1th: Rodley swing bridge
ke1th: Looking towards Calverley swing bridge
ke1th: Sheila's kingfisher
ke1th: Leeds Liverpool Canal and boats
ke1th: Leucozona glaucia
ke1th: Forest bug - Pentatoma rufipes
ke1th: Weasel - Mustela nivalis
ke1th: Damart chimney and 3 rise locks
ke1th: 3 Rise Locks
ke1th: Yellow Water Lily - Nuphur lutea
ke1th: 5 Rise Locks
ke1th: House Martin in flight - Delichon urbicum
ke1th: House Martins - Delichon urbicum
ke1th: Gosling at MIcklethwaite - Anser anser
ke1th: 5 Rise Locks
ke1th: Goosander - Mergus merganser
ke1th: Goosander - Mergus merganser
ke1th: Grey heron - Ardea cinerea
ke1th: Looking towards Apperley Bridge
ke1th: Song thrush - Turdus philomelos
ke1th: The swing bridge at Calverley
ke1th: Rodley
ke1th: Mute swan - Cygnus olor
ke1th: Melanostoma species hoverfly (m)
ke1th: Leeds & Liverpool canal
ke1th: Great egret - Casmerodius albus
ke1th: Target acquired
ke1th: Leucozona glaucia (f)