ke1th: Waiting for take off. Malaga here we come.
ke1th: The Wirral from 35 thousand feet
ke1th: The view from our room.
ke1th: Collared Dove - Streptopelia decaocto
ke1th: Spanish Sparrow - Passer hispaniolensis
ke1th: Benalmadena Marina from the shopping centre
ke1th: Bridge - Benalmadena Marina
ke1th: Benalmadena Marina
ke1th: Grey mullett - Mugil cephalus
ke1th: Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis
ke1th: Looking towards Torremolinos, Malaga in distance to right
ke1th: Cactus Garden
ke1th: Cactus Garden
ke1th: Cactus Garden
ke1th: Cactus Garden
ke1th: Cactus Garden
ke1th: Red Jungle Fowl - Benalmadena
ke1th: Cactus Flowers
ke1th: Red-eared terrapin - Trachemys scripta elegans
ke1th: White wagtail - Motacilla alba alba
ke1th: The windows of the Bil-Bil
ke1th: The main promanade in Benalmadena
ke1th: The Windmill roundabout - Benalmadena
ke1th: Monk parakeet - Myiopsitta monachus
ke1th: Torremolinos Streetlife
ke1th: Torremolinos street scene
ke1th: That's one way to do it I suppose
ke1th: Street art - Torremolinos
ke1th: Firebug - Pyrrhocoris apterus
ke1th: The top of the twisty street to the beach - Torremolinos