ke1th: Dipper - Cinclus cinclus
ke1th: Looking upstream from the Viaduct
ke1th: The Viaduct
ke1th: Looking downstream from the Viaduct
ke1th: Just below the Strid.
ke1th: looking North (upstream) from the bridge at the Cavendish Pavilion
ke1th: Beamsley Beacon from the bottom
ke1th: Dipper - Cinclus cinclus
ke1th: Tawny Owl - Strix aluco
ke1th: Carnation sedge
ke1th: Mouse ear hawkweed
ke1th: Crosswort
ke1th: Wood Sorrel
ke1th: Lady fern
ke1th: Wood sage
ke1th: Hard fern
ke1th: DSCF1198
ke1th: Sweet scented bedstraw - or - Woodruff
ke1th: Wood mellick
ke1th: Red campion
ke1th: Lords and ladies
ke1th: Hogweed
ke1th: Wood forgetmenot
ke1th: Wood anemone
ke1th: Wood warbler - Phylloscopus sibilatrix
ke1th: Wood warbler - Phylloscopus sibilatrix
ke1th: Stitchwort
ke1th: Sweet cicely
ke1th: Common valerian
ke1th: Wood avens