ke1th: The view West from Village Heights
ke1th: Scarce swallowtail - Iphiclides podalirius
ke1th: Scarce Swallowtail - Iphiclides podalirius
ke1th: DSCF1297
ke1th: Looking West
ke1th: The view North from Village Heights
ke1th: DSCF1324
ke1th: Grey bush-cricket - Platycleis albopunctata (female)
ke1th: Speckled Wood - Pararge aegeria
ke1th: The balcony at Village Heights
ke1th: Griffon vulture
ke1th: Leopard moth - Zeuzera pyrina
ke1th: Cheers!
ke1th: The Northern bay at Hersonissos
ke1th: Chukar partridge - life tick
ke1th: One of the many staircases in Agios Nikolaos
ke1th: The harbour at Ag Nik
ke1th: The sculpture by the little beach
ke1th: The little beach at Ag Nik
ke1th: The Europa statue in Ag Nik
ke1th: Another staircase in Ag Nik
ke1th: The tiny chapel on the lake at Ag Nik
ke1th: Another view of the lake
ke1th: Up in the mountains above Hersonissos
ke1th: Aposelemis Reservoir
ke1th: Beach just East of Iraklio
ke1th: Same beach but looking West towards Iraklio
ke1th: Main street in Koutouloufari
ke1th: Harbour at Hersonissos
ke1th: The view from the Village Apartments in Koutouloufari