ke1th: Mount Vesuvius from Sorrento
ke1th: Bust in the lobby of Hotel La Badia
ke1th: Italian Sparrow - Passer italiae
ke1th: The walk to the beach in Sorrento
ke1th: Looking up to the park by the church of St Francis
ke1th: Marine Piccolo
ke1th: Italian wall lizard - Podarcis sicula
ke1th: Capri
ke1th: Street in Capri town
ke1th: Still the same street
ke1th: Anacapri
ke1th: Herculaneum
ke1th: Herculaneum 2
ke1th: Herculaneum 3
ke1th: Naples Museum of Antiquities
ke1th: Pompeii
ke1th: Pompeii 2
ke1th: Pompeii 3
ke1th: Blue rock thrush - Monticola solitarius
ke1th: Sorrento - Marine Grande
ke1th: Amalfi
ke1th: Positano
ke1th: Ravello
ke1th: Tower in Ravello
ke1th: Villa Rufolo