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keavy: A room with a sunset view #nofilter
keavy: upload
keavy: upload
keavy: upload
keavy: That expanse
keavy: Scenery helps the legs go round
keavy: Colours, I'll take all of them.
keavy: 18°F and beautiful
keavy: "Colorado steel"
keavy: upload
keavy: My door to this in 15mins. Even for an hour, totally worth it.
keavy: Invigorating!
keavy: A hot tequila based cocktail, in a tea cup. Yes please.
keavy: upload
keavy: Take me home Mexican coke
keavy: My swim instructor made me a gift today, how sweet is THAT?!
keavy: Ooh an @offscreenmag treat in the mailbox :)
keavy: Lovely ladies at lovely Fancy Night #latergram
keavy: Swimming might be my favourite training just now, because this:
keavy: Cold, damn cold, but doable
keavy: My 'little' nephew