Keane Li: The Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Rodin's Thinker at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Spreckels Gallery at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Bernini's Medusa
Keane Li: Bernini's Medusa
Keane Li: Benvenuto Cellini's Portrait of Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Keane Li: Lorenzo Ottoni's Portrait of Maffeo Barberini
Keane Li: Medardo Rosso's The Golden Age (Aetas Aurea)
Keane Li: Rembrandt Bugatti's Hamadryas Baboon
Keane Li: Antonio Canova's Portrait Herm of a Woman (Leopoldina Esternazy?, wife of Prince Moritz of Liechtenstein)
Keane Li: Giulio Monteverde's Columbus as a Boy
Keane Li: Domenico Zampieri (Il Domenichino)'s An Italianate River Landscape with Poling Boatman and a Woman with a Basket of Crabs
Keane Li: Giovanni Paolo Panini's Ruins with Prophet
Keane Li: Giovanni Paolo Panini's Ruins with Prophet
Keane Li: Giovanni Battista Gaulli (Il Baciccio)'s The Adoration of the Lamb
Keane Li: Jean-Francois Raffaelli's The Absinthe Drinkers
Keane Li: Monet's Grand Canal, Venice
Keane Li: Sunburst Entrance at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Rodin's The Thinker at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Couple and Columns at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Pillars and Moon at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Columns and Moon at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Entrance Arch and Moon at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Lion Statue in Front of the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Holocaust Memorial at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Sculpture and Sutro Tower at the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: San Francisco Bay from the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: View of Downtown San Francisco from the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Golden Gate Bridge from the Legion of Honor
Keane Li: Sunset and Water Tower from the Legion of Honor