That Nikon Girl: an RTA leprechan
That Nikon Girl: another green family
That Nikon Girl: here to party ?
That Nikon Girl: starting early
That Nikon Girl: hyundai's veloster
That Nikon Girl: hyundai's veloster
That Nikon Girl: hyundai's veloster
That Nikon Girl: for tony
That Nikon Girl: diego (a basenji)
That Nikon Girl: uh, no thanks
That Nikon Girl: female leprechans
That Nikon Girl: i thought the image in the middle window was hilarious
That Nikon Girl: anything goes - green tutus, green wigs, green clothes
That Nikon Girl: love the hat
That Nikon Girl: i love this hat, too
That Nikon Girl: i love this little boy's expression
That Nikon Girl: so, the japanese trend of dying your pets has made it to cleveland
That Nikon Girl: cleveland cops
That Nikon Girl: happy green people
That Nikon Girl: nice, but are they acrylic or shellac ?
That Nikon Girl: i love the kid's expression
That Nikon Girl: ukranian dancers; they were awesome !
That Nikon Girl: ukranian dancers
That Nikon Girl: irish clown
That Nikon Girl: diametrics
That Nikon Girl: the old euclid beach rocketship
That Nikon Girl: edmonds elevator - these guys were enthusiastic !
That Nikon Girl: another st patrick
That Nikon Girl: dennis kucinich & his wife elizabeth