That Nikon Girl: getting drizzled on, while waiting for the ghost walk to begin
That Nikon Girl: we're ready to start our ghost walk
That Nikon Girl: our ghost walk hostess, sherrie
That Nikon Girl: sherri, telling a story about 'the pink house'
That Nikon Girl: the pink house - strange things have appeared in this window
That Nikon Girl: the pink house - what a strange window
That Nikon Girl: sitting outside the canal fulton library
That Nikon Girl: screams have been heard outside this window
That Nikon Girl: angee, standing among the gravestones
That Nikon Girl: it looks like 2 orbs to me
That Nikon Girl: sherri told us we'd find spirits here; look at the orbs
That Nikon Girl: orbs at the yellow house
That Nikon Girl: tons of orbs at the yellow house
That Nikon Girl: our EMF meters went crazy in front of this yellow house
That Nikon Girl: orbs orbs & more orbs
That Nikon Girl: tons of orbs in front of the yellow house
That Nikon Girl: sharon gets a reading on her EMF
That Nikon Girl: orbs in the distance