That Nikon Girl: street shot of the "a christmas story" house on w. 11th street in cleveland
That Nikon Girl: a christmas story house - museum
That Nikon Girl: "a christmas story" house
That Nikon Girl: the "black barts" jumped all over the parker's shed
That Nikon Girl: fra-gi-le (it must be italian)
That Nikon Girl: ralphie's hat
That Nikon Girl: randy hid under the sink
That Nikon Girl: their kitchen
That Nikon Girl: just something cute, it wasn't in the movie
That Nikon Girl: ralphie did not get his A+++++++++++
That Nikon Girl: "the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window"
That Nikon Girl: the parker's front door
That Nikon Girl: andi looks for the decoder ring in the mailbox
That Nikon Girl: a view from the museum
That Nikon Girl: the bumpus house
That Nikon Girl: a christmas story house - gift shop
That Nikon Girl: a miniature version of the christmas story house, complete with bumpus dogs
That Nikon Girl: leg lamps galore !
That Nikon Girl: more photos in the museum
That Nikon Girl: more photos in the museum
That Nikon Girl: photos in the museum
That Nikon Girl: randy's snowsuit, gloves, hat & blimp
That Nikon Girl: it looks like the cleveland police are visiting ralphie's next-door neighbor !