That Nikon Girl: unionville post office, near harpersfield ohio
That Nikon Girl: harper memorial cemetery, harpersfield ohio
That Nikon Girl: harper memorial cemetery, harpersfield ohio
That Nikon Girl: the harpersfield twp-unionville time capsule
That Nikon Girl: the ghost of elizabeth harper
That Nikon Girl: "i never wanted to be married, so i killed him with my axe"
That Nikon Girl: she gave me the creeps when she looked right at me !
That Nikon Girl: she's all smiles !
That Nikon Girl: the time capsule
That Nikon Girl: the red button, the green door ?
That Nikon Girl: harpersfield ohio
That Nikon Girl: harpersfield unionville cemetery, list of soldiers buried there
That Nikon Girl: random gravemarker
That Nikon Girl: a strange woman approaches us
That Nikon Girl: "have you seen my freddie...."
That Nikon Girl: "do you know my freddie?"
That Nikon Girl: another ghost
That Nikon Girl: telling her sad story
That Nikon Girl: a couple of ghosts; the one of the right was a good singer !
That Nikon Girl: miki and random ghost
That Nikon Girl: just miki
That Nikon Girl: it's a lovely day for a stroll through the cemetery
That Nikon Girl: an indian princess was buried here
That Nikon Girl: the ghost of the indian princess
That Nikon Girl: random ghost, lurking in the shadows
That Nikon Girl: trevor, taking some shots of his own
That Nikon Girl: random gravemarker
That Nikon Girl: our guide & one of the actors