That Nikon Girl: i love this photo
That Nikon Girl: a view from top of the rock
That Nikon Girl: my new favorite zoey photo !
That Nikon Girl: 8800 feet up, leleiwi overlook, haleakala state park, maui
That Nikon Girl: a nice night on lake erie, cleveland
That Nikon Girl: look closely, do you see him?
That Nikon Girl: rocks & waves; maui
That Nikon Girl: baby pineapples. who knew they grew in bushes?
That Nikon Girl: another beautiful scenic beach, maui
That Nikon Girl: a reststop in oahu
That Nikon Girl: hanauma bay, oahu; the locals call it "pee pee bay"
That Nikon Girl: banyan tree, oahu
That Nikon Girl: the lavender farm in maui, near oprah's house
That Nikon Girl: hawaiian flowers, at the lavender farm, maui
That Nikon Girl: the deck, at the lavender farm, maui
That Nikon Girl: palm trees (coconut trees) at kbh, maui
That Nikon Girl: people like to stack rocks at haleakala (10000 feet up). they say it's good luck
That Nikon Girl: relaxing at ho'okipah beach park, maui
That Nikon Girl: more "moonish" looking pics at haleakala state park, maui
That Nikon Girl: iao valley state park, maui
That Nikon Girl: rainbow eucalyptus tree, maui
That Nikon Girl: cliff divers, at iao valley state park, maui
That Nikon Girl: mmmmmm! (and NO, we didn't buy or eat any)
That Nikon Girl: guess what year it is