That Nikon Girl: james (nice hair!)
That Nikon Girl: one hot chick at work
That Nikon Girl: emaly & her knight
That Nikon Girl: helen, ui queen diva pirate
That Nikon Girl: kier, as lemley
That Nikon Girl: smile pretty now
That Nikon Girl: somebody had an accident ! (not really)
That Nikon Girl: i was repulsed and yet, fascinated at the same time
That Nikon Girl: beetlejuice
That Nikon Girl: one hot chick (carrie d)
That Nikon Girl: a league of their own
That Nikon Girl: emaly, digging james' chest weave
That Nikon Girl: carrie (not the webops one). emaly looks a little jealous.
That Nikon Girl: some redheaded team