kdburkhardt: At Stitch Lab with Antoinette
kdburkhardt: At TexStyles with Antoinette
kdburkhardt: At TexStyles with MarkHolland
kdburkhardt: At TexStyles with Markhollan
kdburkhardt: DSC04047
kdburkhardt: At Austin Fashion Week
kdburkhardt: At Austin Fashion Week
kdburkhardt: ATP, Daniel Esquivel, and me
kdburkhardt: ATP, Daniel Esquivel, and me
kdburkhardt: Connie and me at the Palm Door
kdburkhardt: Connie and me at the Palm Door
kdburkhardt: getting on the bus to Austin Fashion Week
kdburkhardt: Austin Fashion Week
kdburkhardt: ATP and me at AFW
kdburkhardt: ATP and me at AFW
kdburkhardt: Friday night AFW
kdburkhardt: Friday night AFW
kdburkhardt: Friday night AFW
kdburkhardt: me and photobombers at AFW
kdburkhardt: ATP at the Austin Fabric Co-op
kdburkhardt: Lisette and Sharon
kdburkhardt: me and Sharon
kdburkhardt: Lisette and me
kdburkhardt: Rachel and me
kdburkhardt: Tour bus 1 + ATP + me
kdburkhardt: Lilia at the Austin Fabric Co-op and her sewing machine tattoo
kdburkhardt: What I bought at the Austin Fabric Co-op
kdburkhardt: ATP, me and the Other Leslie in Austin
kdburkhardt: ATP, me and the Other Leslie in Austin
kdburkhardt: At Form + Fabric