kdburkhardt: Bradley Park; Berkeley Carteret in background
kdburkhardt: The photogs
kdburkhardt: The lineup: Officiant, Chris, his groomsmen
kdburkhardt: Here comes the bride!
kdburkhardt: The vows
kdburkhardt: Asbury Lanes reception site!
kdburkhardt: Chris's cupcake tower with Texas flag
kdburkhardt: closeup of Christine's cupcake topper; NJ flag
kdburkhardt: Picture slideshow of Chris and Christine when they were little
kdburkhardt: me and CZ and my new fake tattoo
kdburkhardt: Helen and CZ
kdburkhardt: Aloha!! and I need a haircut
kdburkhardt: Amazing Chinese lanterns
kdburkhardt: Medina Sod rules
kdburkhardt: Chris at the bar; best man in background
kdburkhardt: Bowling did indeed take place
kdburkhardt: Free socks for bowling
kdburkhardt: Our table 8 with Pete and Helen
kdburkhardt: Yet another awesome poster
kdburkhardt: Chris and Christine, newlyweds
kdburkhardt: Action shot
kdburkhardt: Chris and Christine's invitation, placecard, menu, program, direction card, beer cozy (lottery ticket is missing)
kdburkhardt: interior of card for chris and christine's wedding