kdburkhardt: me at the MARM booth, mid May
kdburkhardt: RCSB PDB booth 2005
kdburkhardt: My Mickey Mouse hat!
kdburkhardt: breakfast with Chip the chipmunk
kdburkhardt: breakfast with Chip and Pete
kdburkhardt: breakfast with Pluto too
kdburkhardt: Pluto's bum
kdburkhardt: chipmunk 2 (Dale) attacked Pete!
kdburkhardt: me with Dale
kdburkhardt: my very expensive chocolate dessert
kdburkhardt: Graeme and Stewart had to make their
kdburkhardt: the men of CCP4
kdburkhardt: Across the pond
kdburkhardt: closer up, across the pond
kdburkhardt: further away
kdburkhardt: Burkhardts always feed the wildlife
kdburkhardt: Near the Lego shop at Downtown Disney
kdburkhardt: that's a crab in the background
kdburkhardt: Crab made out of legos
kdburkhardt: me with a lego shark at Downtown Disney
kdburkhardt: me with the Loch Ness Monster
kdburkhardt: Loch ness monster
kdburkhardt: it's blurry, but I like that dog!
kdburkhardt: Pete at ACA
kdburkhardt: Pete's so proud of his "session chair"
kdburkhardt: me, in the booth, at ACA
kdburkhardt: with the blue lanyard at all times
kdburkhardt: We brought our laptops to Epcot!
kdburkhardt: Mickey out of ivy and carnations, Epcot
kdburkhardt: the end of the test track ride