kcw1939: As soon as she starts speaking, a man starts moving foward
kcw1939: commits to using his editing skills
kcw1939: know about what you experienced
kcw1939: A woman reads an excerpt from a book
kcw1939: vague but very important so we know each other
kcw1939: he’s come with a small stack of memorabilia
kcw1939: trying to make it seem like nobody is in this room
kcw1939: tired of jargon about repressing emotion
kcw1939: our own superiority turns us into targets
kcw1939: signs of bad theta, which must be converted
kcw1939: partially or completely forgotten what had happened
kcw1939: How do we know who’s on the other side?
kcw1939: implications of this are significant
kcw1939: Who's Afraid....?
kcw1939: Annihilating most of humanity and rewinding civilization
kcw1939: change extremely quickly, before we can detect the change
kcw1939: I tell myself it’s time to make a change
kcw1939: test as early as possible within the time frame
kcw1939: the flag is a simple warning – but to whom
kcw1939: more than at any other point in history
kcw1939: a symbol of how fragmented it has become
kcw1939: In less dexterous hands, it could’ve been artful.
kcw1939: In less dexterous hands, it could’ve been artful.
kcw1939: he recognized the importance of putting it to the test.
kcw1939: a mandatory public service announcement
kcw1939: use the plandemic as an opportunity to strike out
kcw1939: not worrying about what might happen in the future
kcw1939: Expressing oneself and making sense of life
kcw1939: focused on one activity not worrying about things
kcw1939: Something terrible must have happened.