K&C Photographs: 100_1521
K&C Photographs: Cougar chillin' at Como Park
K&C Photographs: Indigo Bunting
K&C Photographs: Chimpmunk atop of Palisade Head with Lake Superior in the background
K&C Photographs: No description needed
K&C Photographs: Female Common Merganser
K&C Photographs: Leader of the pack
K&C Photographs: Nice Rack!
K&C Photographs: Juvenile Bald Eagle
K&C Photographs: First snow of the season
K&C Photographs: Finally!
K&C Photographs: Brown Pelicans
K&C Photographs: Red-bellied Woodpecker in a Magnolia Tree
K&C Photographs: Juvenile Common Loon
K&C Photographs: Graceful
K&C Photographs: Behind The Spotlight
K&C Photographs: House Wren
K&C Photographs: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
K&C Photographs: The Dance
K&C Photographs: Up Close And Personal
K&C Photographs: Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird
K&C Photographs: Belted Kingfisher
K&C Photographs: Great Blue Heron
K&C Photographs: Mallard Hen In Flight