Photosbychristensen: geese took bread out of my hand
Photosbychristensen: geese love my bread
Photosbychristensen: Baby and adult geese
Photosbychristensen: Pround geese
Photosbychristensen: gusebo arcoss the river
Photosbychristensen: Hey human Feed Me
Photosbychristensen: It is full or half full
Photosbychristensen: Davis Park
Photosbychristensen: Hi officer
Photosbychristensen: Bad boy what they going to when they come for you
Photosbychristensen: Sheriff go bye bye
Photosbychristensen: nice old builing
Photosbychristensen: walkway Under the Bridge
Photosbychristensen: Old Building
Photosbychristensen: I love the black and white still
Photosbychristensen: B&W are cool
Photosbychristensen: A bunch of pigs
Photosbychristensen: Roof tops