kccuk: Face & Hand Painting
kccuk: Face Painting
kccuk: Face & Hand Painting
kccuk: Hand Painting
kccuk: Go Korea!
kccuk: Go for Gold!
kccuk: Promotion outside the KCC
kccuk: Flash mob outside the KCC
kccuk: Volunteers having ramen for lunch
kccuk: Promotion at the Southbank Centre
kccuk: Promotion at the Southbank Centre
kccuk: Promotion at the Southbank Centre
kccuk: Promotion next to the London Eye
kccuk: Promotion next to the London Eye
kccuk: Handing out leaflets
kccuk: Flash mob at Trafalgar Square
kccuk: Flash mob at Trafalgar Square
kccuk: Flash mob at Trafalgar Square
kccuk: Flash mob at Piccadilly Circus
kccuk: Flash mob at Piccadilly Circus
kccuk: Flash mob at Piccadilly Circus
kccuk: Flash mob at Piccadilly Circus
kccuk: All Eyes On Korea place mat
kccuk: All Eyes On Korea place mat