kcaute: On the Blue (_DSY4247)
kcaute: Black Cat in B&W (_DSY4237a)
kcaute: A Tail of a Cat (_DSY4210)
kcaute: Cat in the Green (_DSY4186)
kcaute: Cruz
kcaute: In the Garden (_DSY4177)
kcaute: Softer Bougainvillea Rainbow (_DSY4167)
kcaute: In the Garden 2 (_DSY4178)
kcaute: Orange Flowers in the Bokeh _DSY3149
kcaute: Cream Flower and Blue _DSY3161
kcaute: Lens Painting (_DSC9267a)
kcaute: Palm Sunday (_DSC9148)
kcaute: Thorns n' stuff (_DSC9141)
kcaute: Cat and Bokeh (_DSC9157)
kcaute: Solanaceae Fist (_DYY8080)
kcaute: Magenta Pop (_DYY8069)
kcaute: Broomsedge 3 (_DYY8020)
kcaute: Orange Pop (_DYY8076)
kcaute: Broomsedge 2 ( _DYY8008)
kcaute: Stained Glass Leaves (_DYY7975)
kcaute: Rose Rose (_DYY8090)
kcaute: Swirly Rose (_DYY8094)
kcaute: Byrd (_DYY8213)
kcaute: Dancin' Lights (_DYY8113)
kcaute: Solanum (_DYY8232)
kcaute: Praising! (_DYY8240)