KCA: Just a hint, mom.
KCA: New foster baby Arya! She got separated from her family. All alone and needs a home! #winteriscoming
KCA: undefined
KCA: Frisbee golfin' w T and Lil C
KCA: Vegetable oil, three ways
KCA: Chubber snuggles
KCA: blurry baby bites
KCA: Lemon sage
KCA: Noggin smothering Arya... with love, of course #foster #adoption #aryaneedsahome
KCA: Leftover pie from last night's Game of Tthrones potluck and Frank will VERY MUCH HAS.
KCA: Only 2 more days w baby Arya! 4/5 of us will miss her.
KCA: Hangin' wif m' Joolie
KCA: Looks comfy.
KCA: I am not dangerous.
KCA: Woodberry, Bmore
KCA: Cat yin/yang
KCA: Take that, Mayor Bloomberg. This is how we do in Baltimore.
KCA: Hint received, Noggin. It's hot. I'll turn up the air.
KCA: T-minus this many ingredients to homemade burgers
KCA: Foster baby making himself at home
KCA: Box of cat
KCA: Peace Bridge pride #buffalo
KCA: Holdin' hands
KCA: #queencity
KCA: Cat on my back #newfosterlitter!
KCA: It hurts to be so pretty.
KCA: Me & C, babysittin'
KCA: Please to be feeding the Frank now.
KCA: You rang?
KCA: This is inside me now. (Busboys has THE best vegan nachos ever.)