KC-Bike: Wolf Spider
KC-Bike: The Lab-O-Ratory
KC-Bike: Garden Spider
KC-Bike: Garden Spider
KC-Bike: Spider Sculpture
KC-Bike: IMG_1260
KC-Bike: The Lab-O-Ratory
KC-Bike: Petland
KC-Bike: Breakfast
KC-Bike: Brown Recluses
KC-Bike: IMG_5738
KC-Bike: Wolfette
KC-Bike: IMG_3412
KC-Bike: IMG_3413
KC-Bike: IMG_3427
KC-Bike: IMG_3428
KC-Bike: IMG_3415
KC-Bike: Freeloading spidey
KC-Bike: Freeloader caught a ride into the office on my backpack. I wonder where he came from?
KC-Bike: The Lab-O-Ratory
KC-Bike: Little dude was getting ready to attack my camera.
KC-Bike: Wolf spider attacking a grasshopper
KC-Bike: Orb Weaver on the Mill Creek Streamway Trail
KC-Bike: Dd chewing on a piece of watermelon
KC-Bike: Dd's first adventure out of the cage
KC-Bike: Dd's terrarium