kburgin: Detail from huge Bellini picture in the Brera Gallery - Milan
kburgin: Huge Bellini picture in the Brera Gallery - Milan
kburgin: Milan Expo - Iran
kburgin: Milan Expo - Ecuador
kburgin: Milan Expo - the central avenue - immense!
kburgin: Milan Expo - entrance
kburgin: Model of Milan Cathedral - third largest in the world
kburgin: Gargoyle from Milan Cathedral
kburgin: Art Nouveau apartments in Milan
kburgin: Over the top building in Milan
kburgin: Pisano tomb sculpture - Milan
kburgin: Genoa - garden of Palazzo Rosso
kburgin: Interior of a palazzo in Genoa
kburgin: Genoa Stock Exchange - pink water was for the Giro d'Italia bike race
kburgin: Scissor and knife shop in old Genoa
kburgin: Doorway in Genoa
kburgin: Bari - lights for festival of St Nicola
kburgin: Lecce - the Cathedral
kburgin: Lecce
kburgin: Paul and Ken having an over-priced tea in Caffe Biffi - Milano
kburgin: Busy cafe in the Galleria in Milano
kburgin: Attentive children in Brera Gallery in MIlano
kburgin: Richard Ginori - best china in Italy
kburgin: Fashionista in her car in Milano
kburgin: Scowling child mannequins - what next!
kburgin: Men's shoes in Milano
kburgin: Fashion instructions in Milano
kburgin: Fashion manhole covers - streets of Milano
kburgin: Fashion manhole covers - streets of Milano
kburgin: Genuine Risotto Milanese