Ken Loves Film..:
Carl Zeiss planar T* 50mm f1.7_Sony nex 7
Ken Loves Film..:
Sony Nex-7 w/ Carl Zeiss Planar 50 f1.7
Ken Loves Film..:
Stone Mountain w/ Voigtlander 40mm f1.4
Ken Loves Film..:
Sony Nex-7 w/ Contax Carl Zeiss 50mm f1.7
Ken Loves Film..:
Mel...taken with Zeiss Planar T* 50mm f1.7
Ken Loves Film..:
The most beautiful girl...
Ken Loves Film..:
Sony Nex-7 w/ Carl Zeiss 50mm f1.7
Ken Loves Film..:
Mel @ 39 Weeks...
Ken Loves Film..:
Mel @ 39 Weeks..
Ken Loves Film..:
project analog: 35mm portrait..