KateBeat: Mommy-daughter yoga 🙏 #namaste #dancerpose #Natarajasana #yogakid
KateBeat: A girl who loves princesses and trains ❤️
KateBeat: #WildChild
KateBeat: Emilia on skis for the first time at just 20 months old woot!!! #ROCKSTAR
KateBeat: Ready for a day on the slopes! #skiday #babygirl
KateBeat: Mommy & daughter lunch: Sometimes the best moments in life are the simplest ones. ❤️
KateBeat: #Snorkeling with the littlest nugget. #turksandcaicos
KateBeat: Smell the roses. #turksandcaicos
KateBeat: #friendship #turksandcaicos
KateBeat: Stella by the Sea. #turksandcaicos
KateBeat: ❤️ #turksandcaicos #babygirl
KateBeat: Emilia's first time "snorkeling". #notsosure #rockstar #didgreat #turksandcaicos
KateBeat: #sunset #turksandcaicos
KateBeat: #turksandcaicos #vacation
KateBeat: #conch
KateBeat: Emilia checking out the soon-to-be conch ceviche.
KateBeat: As I head back to the snowpocalypse absolute nightmare that is #Boston I'm going to re-live this carefree, blissful moment of jumping off a catamaran diving board, a couple rum punches deep, into the #Caribbean. #nofilter #turksandcaicos #postvacadepress
KateBeat: My new libation creation is a basil-lime-blackberry gimlet. Sure turns kid nap time into fun time :)
KateBeat: The key to vacationing with young children is letting them run ALL day long. Bedtime has never been easier. #turksandcaicos #vacation #dontstoptilyoudrop
KateBeat: #sister #love ❤️
KateBeat: Beach selfie with the nugget. #turksandcaicos #vacation #EmiliaClaire
KateBeat: Sending our friends and fam up north some rays of sunshine this morning to combat the snow☀️#turksandcaicos #vacation #goawaysnow
KateBeat: You! Más vino, stat! #turksandcaicos #vacation
KateBeat: Work it, work it Stella! #turksandcaicos #vacation #taylorbay
KateBeat: Little pro travelers. #sisters #TurksAndCaicos
KateBeat: Goodbye snow. We've had enough of you. Hellooooo beach & sunshine! Off to #TurksAndCaicos
KateBeat: Rockin' out before school this morning. #TGIF
KateBeat: Sweet Stella ❤️... I think I'm in trouble when she's a teenager.
KateBeat: This is what happens when mom goes out of town (aside from blizzards). #pebbles #hairdo ❤️
KateBeat: Stella is incredibly excited to take her new skis for a whirl today. #daddydaughter #skiday