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Millie 12-14 weeks April/May 2010 by Kazzy B
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Kazzy B
Millie talking
Kazzy B
Millie all swaddled ready for bed
Kazzy B
Comforting stroke from Mum
Kazzy B
Bathtime smiles
Kazzy B
Kazzy B
Look at those Lashes!
Kazzy B
Just beautiful, isn't she?
Kazzy B
Sunshine girl
Kazzy B
Kitchen sink dip
Kazzy B
She's mastered putting her tongue out!
Kazzy B
Smiley girl
Kazzy B
Getting more plumptious by the day....
Kazzy B
Playing Peep-oh
Kazzy B
Serious Millie
Kazzy B
Loving it!
Kazzy B
Does my bum look big in this?
Kazzy B
Action shot
Kazzy B
Getting tired
Kazzy B
Getting the hang of it
Kazzy B
A few more minutes, Mum?
Kazzy B
Pause for breath...
Kazzy B
Millie loving her new bouncer
Kazzy B
Kite landboarding tricks 3
Kazzy B
Kite landboarding tricks 2
Kazzy B
Kite landboarding tricks 1
Kazzy B
Choppy Camber Sands
Kazzy B
Heron, Dungeness RSPB Kent
Kazzy B
Blue Dragonfly
Kazzy B
Camber Groins
Kazzy B
Lots of purple jellyfish on the beach
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