Kazzy B: Pink feet at last!
Kazzy B: Millie 2.5 hours from birth
Kazzy B: Millie, still getting warmed through!
Kazzy B: Wide awake Millie
Kazzy B: Millie
Kazzy B: Millie and Mum, Melissa
Kazzy B: Millie's hands, still wrinkly
Kazzy B: Teeny feet
Kazzy B: Millie
Kazzy B: Millie and Mum managing a smile
Kazzy B: Millie protesting
Kazzy B: Max changing Millie's nappy
Kazzy B: Millie's Dad and friend Jenna
Kazzy B: Millie and Daddy, Max
Kazzy B: Max dressing Millie after her birth
Kazzy B: Millie snoozing
Kazzy B: Beautiful Millie
Kazzy B: Pouting perfection
Kazzy B: Serene...My favourite picture of Millie
Kazzy B: Millie little toes
Kazzy B: Millie sleeping on Dad
Kazzy B: Millie and Mum 24 hours old
Kazzy B: Wanting a cuddle
Kazzy B: Time for lunch
Kazzy B: My girls :)
Kazzy B: Little miracle
Kazzy B: Hello!
Kazzy B: Millie and Mum
Kazzy B: Scrumptious
Kazzy B: Don't cry!