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Birds of Prey by Kazzy B
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Kazzy B
Owl face
Kazzy B
Owl eye
Kazzy B
White backed Vulture
Kazzy B
Grim - White Backed Vulture
Kazzy B
Grim the Vulture
Kazzy B
Steppe Eagle
Kazzy B
Golden Eagle or Steppe Eagle
Kazzy B
Golden or Steppe Eagle
Kazzy B
Eagle in flight
Kazzy B
Striated Cara Cara
Kazzy B
African Spotted Owl
Kazzy B
African Spotted Owl
Kazzy B
Great Grey Owl
Kazzy B
Turkey Vulture
Kazzy B
Lady the Turkey Vulture
Kazzy B
Steppe Eagle
Kazzy B
Buzzard I think...
Kazzy B
Steppe Eagle
Kazzy B
Willie, Grey Eagle Buzzard
Kazzy B
Grey Eagle Buzzard
Kazzy B
Boris, Golden Eagle
Kazzy B
Bald Eagle... ghostly extra eyelids
Kazzy B
Golden Eagle
Kazzy B
Kazzy B
Bateleur Eagle
Kazzy B
Tazmin the Bateleur Eagle
Kazzy B
Bateleur Eagle
Kazzy B
White Faced Scops Owl
Kazzy B
Massive yawn
Kazzy B
Looks a bit surprised here...
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