Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XXV]: Tired...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XXVI]: Morning talk...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XXIV]: Kinda Bored...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XXIII]: Virtual Bros...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XXII]: The migraine series [IV]: My partner in pain...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XXI]: The migraine series [III]...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XX]: The migraine series [II]...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XIX]: The migraine series [I]...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XVIII]: Gas Tank...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XVII]: Backyard wildlife... ——————————————— Tags: #BlackAndWhite #InstaBW #Pandemic #BlancoyNegro #Monochrome #StayAtHome #quarantine #Mexico #Coronavirus #COVID19 #DailyLife #home #Pandemia #swallow #bird #HomePhotography #Y
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XVI]: From the kitchen...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XV]: Antibacterial gel...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XIV]: About a bucket and some stairs...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XVIII]: The same wet floor of every Saturdays‭...‬
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XVII]: The long waiting between online classes‭...‬
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XVI]: Day by day, the children and their toys are taking over the house‭...‬
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XV]: Everything get washed and disinfected‭...‬
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XIV]: Kinda bored...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XIII]: From bed to online classes...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XII]: Living between real and virtual worlds...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XI]: Just Do It [The housecleaning]...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [VIII]: Game Over[Part II]...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [VII]: Game over...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [VII]: Capeless heroes: Food delivery guys...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [VI]: Online Class...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [VI]: #HomeOffice 24/7...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [V]: #StayAtHome Day 25...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [IV]: Leisure tunnel...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [I]...
Kazyel: A day in the [Pandemic] life [XXVII]: Just Chillin...