Kazuya Tashiro: Mother's day
Kazuya Tashiro: Back to the past or...
Kazuya Tashiro: take a train to go anywhere
Kazuya Tashiro: The town and the sea
Kazuya Tashiro: Hands prints
Kazuya Tashiro: knock on the heaven's door
Kazuya Tashiro: covered by the ocean, but not
Kazuya Tashiro: only human
Kazuya Tashiro: words of winds
Kazuya Tashiro: burn with indignation
Kazuya Tashiro: a city-river
Kazuya Tashiro: Mt. Fuji
Kazuya Tashiro: pure and innocet eyes
Kazuya Tashiro: Tokyo tower
Kazuya Tashiro: Starfish
Kazuya Tashiro: Ferris wheel
Kazuya Tashiro: Umbrellas
Kazuya Tashiro: selfless lovers
Kazuya Tashiro: Kaisendon
Kazuya Tashiro: The station
Kazuya Tashiro: Nihonkai
Kazuya Tashiro: The hinamatuli.
Kazuya Tashiro: mines, yours, someones
Kazuya Tashiro: The end of summer