kshibano: Oh so clever!
kshibano: Thanks, plane.
kshibano: Relatively speaking.
kshibano: I was toilet flush #594165.
kshibano: Bullet train lunch
kshibano: Snow-capped view
kshibano: Apparently, it's still winter here.
kshibano: On the shinkansen
kshibano: This is where zippers are born.
kshibano: One of many being built around here.
kshibano: Tea, anyone?
kshibano: Between the Kanazawa train and bus stations
kshibano: Lots of glass and support
kshibano: Our humble abode in Kanazawa
kshibano: Last of the cherry blossoms
kshibano: Gutter
kshibano: Glass and concrete
kshibano: A very clean hallway
kshibano: Down the floating stairs
kshibano: Colour activity house 2010
kshibano: Museum windows
kshibano: Going up
kshibano: First floor
kshibano: Watching the rain
kshibano: Bunny chairs
kshibano: Sitting on the bunny chair
kshibano: Do you have the time?
kshibano: Really old school coffee shop
kshibano: IMG_5384
kshibano: Japanese/Western fusion cake